Hot Chelle Rae, winners of the Best New Artist Award on the American Music Awards, are currently celebrating the release of their sophomore album, Whatever. Don’t be...
Category - Album Reviews
In a day and age where bands like My Chemical Romance are going full-on ’05 “The Bravery” style discopop, it’s interesting to see the varying directions being taken by...
Three years, three months, three weeks and six days. That’s how long The Cab fans were waiting for new music from the beloved boys from Las Vegas. This past Tuesday the...
Arriving on the heels of their Life on the Run sampler – a mere five months old – itʼs audibly clear that Tempe-based pop quartet The Season Premiere are evolving at an...
It’s the first day of your freshman year of high school and you’re pretty damn nervous. You’re not entirely sure what you’re doing, so you follow the crowd and hope it...